Friday, September 26, 2008

Meet your Polar Bears!

Senior Erin Stapp #17

Personal questions:
1. What is your favorite food? My mom’s Chicken Tetrazin. Mmmmmm!
2. Who are your favorite actors/actresses? Dane Cook
3. What is your favorite movie? Memento
4. What made you choose to become a Polar Bear? I wanted to go to Pharmacy school and play soccer. ONU had both and when I got in I knew I would go here! If I could go back and do it again I would have made the same decision. I love ada!
5. What is the latest movie you have seen? Fool’s Gold. SO CUTE !
6. What is the latest book you have read? The Kite Runner.
7. What is your favorite color? PINK!
8. What do you do to prepare on game days? Since I’m a senior I like to go back and think about all of the times we have played that team before and it gives me a different reason each game to go out and play my best.

Soccer questions:
1. What is your most memorable soccer moment at ONU? Going to Europe. I had the time of my life with my best friends and my parents. Nothing can beat that.
2. If you weren’t playing soccer at ONU, what would you be doing in your spare time? I probably would just be focusing on pharmacy school and maybe I would work also. I don’t really know!
3. What is the best thing about our team? Our competitiveness and our team chemistry. I have never been on a team that can love each other so much and then when we step on the field absolutely want to beat each other up. Haha.
4. How do you think the season is going? Great, I think this is the best team that ONU has seen ever and the ability of this team is unbelievable. Even though this is my last year I can only expect these underclassmen girls to go above and beyond the history this program has already accomplished.
5. What’s in store for the fans of ONU women’s soccer for the upcoming games? Well we are still in mid-season and we just had our first home game. Therefore, I can say that whoever decides to come and see us play is going to be in for some great soccer. We have had a hard schedule so far and even beat a couple nationally ranked teams. We still have a hard schedule ahead of us and I can only encourage people to come watch us make history!

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