Saturday, September 13, 2008

Team Eager to Redeem Themselves After Friday's Match

Friday's match against Hope College was a very challenging one. The team dominated early in the game, with senior Erin Stapp getting her first goal of the season off a great cross from junior captain Kaitlin Sanders. Hope was eager to respond and got a goal of their own and a second just before the half. We went into halftime trailing 2-1 but we weren't defeated. We came out strong in the second half, creating some very good scoring chances throughout the half. Hope was able to get a third goal as we were forced to chase the game and try to equalize. We did get a late surge from junior Angie Pisut, who beat a defender in the box and then beat the keeper to the near post to get her first goal of the season. Even though we dominated in every statistical category, it wasn't enough for us to get a good result.
We have now suffered our first loss of the season and are 3-1-1 heading into today's match vs top ranked Calvin College. Today will be a great test of character for our team. How we respond today will tell a lot about the type of team we have and the potential for the upcoming season. The team is eager to get back on track and play well against one of the best teams in our region.
-Coach Batman

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