Monday, August 25, 2008

The 2008 Alumni Game Recap

The 2008 ONU Women's Soccer Alumni game was held this past weekend in Ada, OH. Alumni present were Jess Drda, Ashley (Limbert) Clark, Courtney Lindsey, Melissa Swabb, Kristin Welk, Sherri Steinkirchner, Ashley Torres, Kelli (Dodson) Barnes, Jenny Vincent, Diana Smith, Julie Tissot and former assistant Coach Matt Mottice joined in the fun.
The game turned out to be an early test for our players. The Alumni came ready to play and scored first. The team responded well, scoring the equalizer seconds after giving up the first goal. I felt our players dominated most of the game and the game allowed alot of our younger players to get some much needed game experience.
The game ended a long week of preseason and the girls came out on top 4-2 over the alumni. All who attended the game saw a glimpse of what this team has to offer for the weeks ahead. The alumni enjoyed some laughs, and got a chance to play together again. It was a great weekend and a great building tool for us. We'd like to thank all alumni, friends, and families who made the trip to support both teams.

-Coach Batman

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